First thing first…

Thank you for stopping by and checking my website out.. I want to take a few more minutes of your time and introduce myself!

My name is Edith and I am the gal behind this photography business of mine. I am MADLY in love with my Sailor (husband) and my adorable two fur babies Jack and Max. I am all about family so I am that annoying family member that is always planning family reunions lol. My favorite foods are ENCHILADAS, tacos, pizza, in-n-out, anything chocolate and DONUTS. I love to travel and have had the opportunity to visit some awesome countries. So far my favorite have been Ireland and Japan.

Ok so now let me tell you about my photography obsession. I came in contact with photography in an unusual way. As I was working with at-risk youth I somehow came with the idea to incorporate photography as a coping skill. We would take pictures of how we were feeling and then we would talk about it. Well, have you heard the phrase “A picture is worth a thousand words”? Let me tell you this is so true and that's what my business philosophy is all about. I focus in translating whatever your thinking/feeling/expressing into an image. I want to photograph those raw emotions between you and your love.. those moments that once you see the picture it's going to take you back and relive the moment all over again <3 (What can I say… I am romantic lol )

But ok so enough about me! Now I want to know about you and what we need to do to create some magic!