Shoot & Share Photo Contest

So back in January, I enter one of the biggest photo contest worldwide. Over 400k images were entered from all over the world and I am not going to lie I was a little intimidated. I was like why even enter when I don't stand a chance with all these other AMAZING photographers BUTTTT one of my really good photog friend said "what do you have to lose"  and she was right! If I did not place anywhere ehhh well I will work hard to do better next year and If I did place I will work harder to improve so she was right I had nothing to lose! I enter 24 images and wow I am beyond amazed at how well I did! From the 24 images, I enter 17 place in the top 10%!! The top 10%!!!! Two of them were FINALIST!! and 3 made it to the top 100!!!! Yes, top 100!! Guys, I am beyond grateful and let me tell you that this has beyond motivated me to continue to learn in this industry and provide all my clients with the best images I can provide! 

Edith Barfield